July 1, 2024

Learning to love law...a conversation with David Brickey

Learning to love law...a conversation with David Brickey

Get ready to unlock the profound wisdom of Psalm 119 with local evangelist David Brickey. Have you ever wondered what the longest chapter in the Bible reveals about our relationship with God's law? In this episode, David brings fresh insights and personal reflections, guiding us through the psalmist's deep-seated desire and remarkable confidence in God's statutes. We'll explore the unique acrostic structure of the psalm and the multifaceted perspectives it offers, including the tension between humanity's failures and God's enduring grace.

Our conversation doesn't stop there. We delve into the historical context of God's law, from Mount Sinai to the Deuteronomic era, exploring key moments that shaped Israel's relationship with divine commandments. Through a heartfelt discussion on the balance between the Pharisees' rule-keeping and the deeper spiritual meanings intended by God, we emphasize the importance of sincere devotion over mere outward compliance. David shares his thoughts on how Psalm 119, particularly verse 25, emphasizes the transformative power of God's word and the need for continual introspection and reliance on His guidance.

As we reflect on the emotional depth of Psalm 119, you'll hear about the psalmist's struggles with grief, self-deception, and the dual nature of loving God's law while feeling inadequate. Discover how everyday actions, when viewed through the lens of God's blessings, can hold sacred significance. This episode underscores the journey of discipleship, the value of repentance, and the importance of seeking God's mercy in every aspect of life. Join us for a meaningful exploration of Psalm 119 that promises to enrich your spiritual understanding and devotion.

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00:00 - Exploring Psalm 119

12:05 - Exploring God's Law Throughout History

22:22 - Seeking Understanding Through the Law

26:37 - Reflecting on Life Through God's Word

32:31 - Understanding God's Law and Mercy


00:00:00.281 --> 00:00:07.238
In this episode of Balancing the Christian Life, we examine Psalm 119.

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Welcome to Balancing the Christian Life.

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I'm Dr Kenny Embry.

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Join me as we discover how to be better Christians and people in the digital age.

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Quick, what is the longest chapter in the Bible?

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You might know that it's Psalm 119, and if you're like me, you do make a differentiation between Bible chapters and the Psalms.

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I think of the Psalms as the songbook of the Hebrews back in the Old Testament.

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However, that's not even a very good way to think about what they are.

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What they are is wisdom literature that teaches us something about God.

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I am sure most of them were sung.

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I am sure that they probably knew their songbook probably about as well as we do, and I think that's one of the things that makes the Psalms themselves some of the most important pieces of literature in the Old Testament.

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The Old Testament.

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These were passages that they would know and they would be able to apply to the Messiah that would come much, much later.

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I'm talking today to David Brickey, and when I was talking to David about what he wanted to talk about, this is what he brought up.

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He wanted to talk about the longest psalm in the Bible, psalm 119.

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I've got to confess I don't read Psalm 119 very often.

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In the back of my mind I've always thought it's a repetitive psalm.

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The major theme of Psalm 119 is the law of God, and the psalmist will talk about it in many different ways.

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As a 21st century American, I'm never really excited about talking about law, but I understand that I'm jaded, that I am affected by basically the law of the land and that's not exciting to me.

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However, the psalmist is very excited about what the law of God teaches us.

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David brought that out to me and I think you'll hear that in this conversation.

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David Brickey is a local evangelist to me.

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He works at the Henderson Boulevard Church of Christ in Tampa, florida.

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However, he's from the Washington state area, which is a beautiful part of the country.

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He and his wife have two children and he's been one of the guys that have gotten to know better because of that little book club that I have with Edwin and, occasionally, mark Dunnigan.

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So let's start here, david.

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Why did you want to talk about Psalm 119?

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Psalm 119 is the longest Psalm in the Bible.

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I wanted to understand more about it.

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I don't know if I've yet accomplished that, but as I read through it a couple of things really struck me.

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The psalmist is a very different person than I am.

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Maybe other people read this psalm and they're like this describes me.

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I have this kind of ardent desire for the law of God and this confidence in the law of God and the word of God and the statutes of God, but for me.

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I read through it and I'm like, wow, I wish I had a margin of what this psalmist has and the way he thinks about God's word.

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That intrigued me about it.

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So you know a little bit about this psalm.

00:03:13.283 --> 00:03:15.978
Yeah, I do know a little bit about this psalm.

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Tell me where you're at on it?

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Yeah, I think it's interesting.

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Obviously, we know that it's an acrostic and in my mind I had always thought about this as an equivalent to Proverbs, where verse three may or may not have any relationship to verse four.

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But that's not true of this, because one of the things that you see is, when he's on Aleph, all of those form a complete thought, and when it comes to focusing on God's law, he will look at it from his point of view, and then he will look at it from God's point of view, and then he will look at it from his point of view, and then he will look at it from God's point of view, and then he will look at it from his adversary's point of view, and that all of these are different points of view that he will basically tackle in each one of these little things.

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So, anyway, those are my observations about it, but what are yours?

00:03:56.520 --> 00:03:59.182
Yeah, that picks up some really cool things about it.

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You think, oh, this is about the law of God, and yet it goes on for 176 verses.

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The stanzas are eight lines, organized around each letter of the Hebrew alphabet.

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You said it's an acrostic psalm In the English.

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We're really not going to pick that up, except for the fact that in most Bibles it's got Aleph, beth, daleth, and for those of us who don't know Hebrew we're going to be like, okay, is there any benefit for me even understanding that this is an acrostic psalm?

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I'm not sure that it's necessary.

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Reading through it in English you already picked up on.

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Each stanza seems to be really self-contained on an idea or concept around the law of God.

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Interestingly enough, each line of each stanza, so every eight lines of the stanza, starts with the same Hebrew letter.

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That's the way this is structured acrostically.

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There's another 22-letter acrostic in the Bible in its Lamentations 3.

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We really don't know who wrote this psalm.

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It's traditionally been attributed to David, but there's nothing in the psalm that would have to be the case, or even indeed that it's probable that it's the case.

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Maybe this is some unnamed psalmist.

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We're looking at a six to 800-year period where this could have been written in Israel's history before the exile has been completed and you've got the compilation of the canon of Hebrew scriptures.

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So why an acrostic?

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Any of us who have been in English class know the rules of poetry give a structure that then force the author to put his thoughts within something that is confined and something that provides discipline to the writer, which is interesting.

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That it's an acrostic poem was chosen for a poem that's all about law and word and statutes and ordinances and structure.

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Because I don't know about you, kenny, law is something I have a complicated relationship with, because when I hear the word law, I think thou shalt not.

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I think someone else telling me what to do, I think someone else has authority over me and I am a human being who is very resistant to other people telling me what to do, and I suspect that there might be times when your listeners resonate with that.

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I just go through the law of God and I'm like, wow, the psalmist just loves this law, these words, these testimonies.

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And I found myself discovering, as I read through this psalm and meditated upon it, all the ways in which I can change the way I think about God's law.

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I'm not somebody who generally likes law.

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The fact of the matter is I have a conflicted relationship with American law because I think one of the things that I know in the US form of government, at least tangentially I have the ability to affect what laws are enacted.

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The law that most directly affects me is my homeowners association.

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There are 200 houses in my neighborhood, and my voice is still not very big.

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God's law is different, though.

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How is God's law different than my HOA, or even different than the United States of America, telling me what I can and cannot do?

00:07:05.220 --> 00:07:11.887
That's a really good question, Kenny, because the way we think about law is we do think in terms of statutes given by someone else.

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We have a very legislative mindset.

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Historically speaking, we see a sea change in the way laws practice in the Western world around the time of the Napoleonic codes, where Napoleon is imposing this new rational law on communities across Europe.

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Prior to that time, you have a tradition of English common law, and common law is the idea that law is evolving over time when people ascertain what is true justice and we're going to figure this out.

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But the idea is justice exists and we can find it and discover it.

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That might be a little bit closer to antiquity's conception of what law is or should be.

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Is that law exists and we need to discover it?

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In the case of God's law, we can sometimes read onto it, our statute mindset.

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God is just making statutes for us to keep and abide by.

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When we step back and think, actually, what God is doing is revealing something that exists for us and we can either decide to live the way the creator of the universe has said this is the way to live and flourish, or we can decide that law is actually not true and I'm going to believe a lie.

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That's really the choice you're making.

00:08:21.802 --> 00:08:23.024
You're not making the choice.

00:08:23.024 --> 00:08:30.836
Oh, let me choose between 18 different rulers or 18 different law givers, and all of them have valid sources of authority.

00:08:30.836 --> 00:08:36.422
No, you're choosing between the creator of the universe and a bunch of false laws and things that will lead to death.

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And I think this is something that has really impressed me as I read through this is, when you read through Psalm 119, you're going to notice there's not a whole lot explicitly said about what the law of God is.

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Very little is explicitly said in this Psalm about what is the law of God, or what is the law of God I should be meditating upon.

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Oh sorry, and so I was just going to mention.

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So then we have to think where am I going to actually decide?

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What am I going to actually think about?

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What is it I actually love about what God has done?

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Do you mind if we just read the first stanza of Psalm 119?

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Go for it.

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So, verse one, Psalm 119, I'm reading from the New American Standard Version 1995.

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How blessed are those whose way is blameless, who walk in the law of the Lord.

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How blessed are those who observe his testimonies, who seek him with all their heart.

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They also do no unrighteousness.

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They walk in his ways.

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You have ordained your precepts that we should keep them diligently.

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Oh, that my ways may be established to keep your statutes.

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Then I shall not be ashamed when I look upon all your commandments.

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I shall give thanks to you with uprightness of heart when I learn your righteous judgments.

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I shall keep away with the initial impression that the psalmist thought a lot of the psalmist and his ability to keep God's law.

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And then I read through a little closer and I kept seeing these glimmers of the psalmist crying out to God and asking hey, I need my ways to be established in your ways and I need you not to forsake me utterly.

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I am completely dependent upon you to order my way after you and after what you've declared, and after your righteousness.

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If I keep your ways, Lord, then I will do no unrighteousness, Then I can give thanks to you with uprightness of heart.

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Then I can give thanks to you with uprightness of heart.

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It can be easy to read Psalm 119 and start feeling like man.

00:10:29.929 --> 00:10:31.073
Can I relate to this guy at all?

00:10:31.073 --> 00:10:40.029
He seems like he's really good at keeping the law of God, Until I started to understand that, in the background of everything that he's saying, there seems to be this really ready recognition.

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I haven't lived by these laws.

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There have been times when I haven't, and yet I still have the confidence that I can keep walking with my God.

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So is God just declaring this as the sovereign or is he describing the nature of reality and you need to comport yourself with that to have life?

00:10:59.840 --> 00:11:11.884
At the end of Deuteronomy Deuteronomy, chapter 30, after the reading of the curses and the blessings Moses says there, to read from Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim, he says I set before you today the way of life and the way of death.

00:11:11.884 --> 00:11:40.376
And the really interesting thing about Deuteronomy is he's like you're going to choose the way of death, that's what you're going to do, and you're going to be exiled, You're going to be driven out of this land of promise I've given you, as I read through Psalm 119 and I'm thinking about law, ordinance, the word of God, the promises of God all of that's bouncing around in my head of different periods in Israel's history when they received law and when they failed to live up to that law.

00:11:40.376 --> 00:11:43.147
I mentioned one episode.

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Any other episodes that come to your mind about law giving in the children of Israel's history when you look at the children of Israel.

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If there's an opportunity to go awry, they will.

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And you can go throughout all of the kings of both the north and the southern kingdoms.

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There were a handful of good ones, but most of them were bad.

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And even during the good ones, the children of Israel were not always obedient.

00:12:05.004 --> 00:12:10.389
But you ask for one instance, it's the whole story.

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It's the whole story of Israel, by the way, which is our story as well.

00:12:16.115 --> 00:12:20.980
Yeah, so there's.

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I'm going to push back a little bit on one thing.

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You said, saying it's their whole story, because I do think it's important to make some specific identifications of periods when Israel received specific law, just for the sake of understanding the story.

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Because if we say it's all the same story but the particularities of it are important, because I could say the same thing about, like Psalm 119, it's just one idea the law of God, and yet there's a reason.

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There's 22 stanzas all built around just one letter of the Hebrew alphabet that explore different facets of it.

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And I think we see that in the history of God's people throughout time.

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I think that the general theme you mentioned of it's everywhere, that is obviously true.

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And then you've got as particular moments Mount Sinai.

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They're given the law immediately after that.

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And it's interesting because we hear Mount Sinai and we think 10 commandments and it's often been called the 10 words.

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And it's interesting because we hear Mount Sinai and we think 10 commandments and it's often been called the 10 words.

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And that's because these are the words the Lord spoke.

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And then he gives these 10 sections of word about how they are to live now that they're in covenant with God.

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You have the Deuteronomic law given by Moses after the rebellion of the generation who couldn't enter into Canaan and after the rebellion of their children, with the sin of Baal Peor of going in, being seduced to engage in sexual perversion with the nation that was immediately outside the promised land.

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So you have these two major periods of rebellion and it's all right around the giving of law and the giving of this covenant.

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And God is saying just be with me and I'll be with you.

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And Moses is like, hey, I need you to go with us because we can't do this without you.

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And God's like, yeah, I'll have mercy on who I'll have mercy on in Exodus, chapter 33.

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Then, to get back to Psalm 119, it's like what does it matter if this guy loves the law of God so much?

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Has he kept it?

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Has it accomplished anything for him?

00:14:04.991 --> 00:14:08.676
I think the psalmist recognizes all that.

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You can't be a man who loves the law of god like he does and not recognize that we are sinful, filthy people that need cleansing to be in the presence of a holy god.

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That is throughout the psalm.

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So I start in that first stanza.

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Verse eight ends with do not forsake me.

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That's a recognition, the righteous thing for you to do God would be to forsake me.

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That would be the right thing, but, on the other hand, actually the righteous thing for God to do because he's a merciful, long-suffering and gracious and full of loving kindness to those who love him is to have mercy.

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If you go back to Exodus 20, god spoke all these words saying I'm the Lord, your God.

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I brought you up out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery, and I want to focus on verses five and six.

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You shall not worship them or serve them, the idols of the nations around you or any idol that you can make the likeness of anything that is heaven or above the earth.

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You shall not worship them or serve them, for I, the Lord, your God, am a jealous God visiting at an equity of the fathers, on the children, on the third and fourth generations of those who hate me, but showing loving kindness to thousands, to those who love me and keep my commandments.

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Now we have contrast contrasted here those who hate God and those who love God, those who love him and keep his commandments, those who hate him.

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But then you think about the history of the Jewish people and you think, oh, who actually loved God and kept all his commandments.

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Not a single one of them loved God and kept all his commandments.

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Not a single one of them loved God and kept all his commandments.

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And we have a really obvious admissions.

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I've caught myself making the assumption that this was somehow a mystery to the Jewish people.

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It just wasn't.

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They knew this and they were intimately aware of this, at least to those who are paying attention.

00:16:01.620 --> 00:16:03.522
And the psalmist, whoever wrote Psalm 119, was no different from that.

00:16:03.522 --> 00:16:10.990
Then it becomes a recognition that my state, without the law of God, is ordering my life however I see fit.

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Oh, I've been living after these lies, but I have a path forward.

00:16:17.947 --> 00:16:31.854
God is gracious in giving us this beautiful structure of which to conform our lives to, the way Psalm 119 closing shows us this very explicitly.

00:16:31.854 --> 00:16:35.239
In Psalm 119, verse 176.

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Just listen to the way this last stanza ends.

00:16:38.268 --> 00:16:40.812
Let my cry come before you, o Lord.

00:16:40.812 --> 00:16:43.725
Give me understanding, according to your word.

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Let my supplication come before you.

00:16:46.254 --> 00:16:48.400
Deliver me according to your word.

00:16:48.400 --> 00:16:51.528
Let my lips utter praise for you, teach me your statutes.

00:16:51.528 --> 00:16:54.514
Let my tongue sing of your word, for all your commandments are righteous.

00:16:54.514 --> 00:16:58.287
Let your hand be ready to help me, for I have chosen your precepts.

00:16:58.287 --> 00:17:01.815
I long for your salvation, o Lord, and your law is my delight.

00:17:01.815 --> 00:17:05.832
Let my soul live that it may praise you and let your ordinances help me.

00:17:05.832 --> 00:17:07.916
I have gone astray like a lost sheep.

00:17:07.916 --> 00:17:11.490
Seek your servant, for I do not forget your commandments.

00:17:13.596 --> 00:17:23.915
There's this really obvious call out from the psalmist, saying I have wandered like a sheep, and this really bold request that he needs God to take action.

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I don't know if you've ever been praying for forgiveness from God and promising you're going to repent of something, promising, hey, I'm never going to do that again.

00:17:31.791 --> 00:17:33.048
I'll never raise my voice again.

00:17:33.048 --> 00:17:34.433
I'll never lust after a woman again.

00:17:34.433 --> 00:17:38.255
I'll never be angry again, lord, I'll never lose control again.

00:17:38.255 --> 00:17:39.679
Lord, please, I'm going to do it.

00:17:39.679 --> 00:17:40.486
I'll do it, lord.

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I've made it very much about myself in making those calls for repentance and the psalmist here recognizes yeah, I've gone astray from what I know, because I know you've taught me this.

00:17:53.318 --> 00:18:02.469
I know I've gone astray and I need you to seek me and I'm not going to forget your commandments, even as I've wandered like a lost sheep.

00:18:02.469 --> 00:18:08.586
Seek me, lord, be ready to help me, in verse 173, for I have chosen your precepts.

00:18:10.390 --> 00:18:12.875
Why is God's law any different?

00:18:13.134 --> 00:18:14.096
than any other law.

00:18:14.096 --> 00:18:20.276
What we see in this psalm is that God's law and his word is true.

00:18:20.276 --> 00:18:22.361
We can't always be certain.

00:18:22.361 --> 00:18:31.240
The laws written by human authors are true Only insofar as they're a direct reflection of the divine law and of what God has commanded.

00:18:31.240 --> 00:18:34.065
That's the only way we can be certain they're true.

00:18:34.065 --> 00:18:46.829
This Psalm identifies that God's law is truth and it's righteous, so we don't have to worry that this is some kind of unjust thing.

00:18:46.829 --> 00:18:53.035
So verse 160, the sum of your word is truth and every one of your righteous ordinances is everlasting.

00:18:54.806 --> 00:19:02.069
So sometimes what we do when we're considering the law of God, we do import our frustrations with law in general onto the law of God.

00:19:02.069 --> 00:19:06.818
We import ideas of hypocrisy about the law of God.

00:19:06.818 --> 00:19:08.388
Oh, the community I'm in.

00:19:08.388 --> 00:19:14.496
I'm seeing people not live by the law of God and yet say we should live by the law of God, all of which the psalmist probably would have agreed with.

00:19:14.496 --> 00:19:21.776
He has many calls out of the wicked who set traps, the enemies of the righteous, those who don't abide by God's law.

00:19:21.776 --> 00:19:24.650
So I think you'd be in good company with the psalmist there.

00:19:24.650 --> 00:19:31.775
But the problem's not with the law, the problem's with the ones trying to keep it and trying to live by it, and the ones who need the mercies of God.

00:19:31.775 --> 00:19:33.598
That's where the problem lies.

00:19:33.598 --> 00:19:37.715
It lies with the rebellious human heart, not with the perfect words of God.

00:19:38.385 --> 00:19:43.867
As I've been reading through this and considering okay, we've got law and we've got all the good things it does for you.

00:19:43.867 --> 00:19:54.137
The truth of the word of God, and thinking about the way that this is adjudicated in the epistle to the Romans, is there was none who is righteous.

00:19:54.137 --> 00:19:54.900
No, not one.

00:19:54.900 --> 00:19:57.753
Jesus came to die for those who are not righteous.

00:19:57.753 --> 00:20:04.231
It wasn't to set aside the law, but to fulfill the law, and it was to complete the law.

00:20:04.231 --> 00:20:07.161
And now we're given the admonition.

00:20:07.161 --> 00:20:22.633
For us who are Gentiles, who have received the message and the gospel of Jesus Christ, admonition for us who are Gentiles who have received the message and the gospel of Jesus Christ, it's enough for you to abstain from fornication, from idolatry, from blood, and to no longer go in the ways of, essentially, the pagans around you.

00:20:22.633 --> 00:20:25.868
And now love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, all your mind, all your soul.

00:20:25.868 --> 00:20:27.333
Love your neighbor as yourself.

00:20:27.333 --> 00:20:31.290
As Paul writes in Romans, love is the fulfillment of the law.

00:20:32.011 --> 00:20:38.155
When we start thinking, what law should I be meditating upon, because there's eight sections in the Psalm where the Psalmist says I meditate on your law.

00:20:38.155 --> 00:20:39.791
I rise at night to meditate on your law.

00:20:39.791 --> 00:20:42.314
I look forward to the night watch so I can meditate on your law.

00:20:42.314 --> 00:20:51.738
Okay, what portion of the law am I going to meditate on and where am I going to go to understand what about this law gives me wisdom?

00:20:53.664 --> 00:20:54.788
For me, there's so many different places you could go to.

00:20:54.788 --> 00:20:57.997
You could go to the 10 commandments, the 10 words, and be like what about this?

00:20:57.997 --> 00:21:01.352
It has wisdom and it has goodness and beauty in it.

00:21:01.352 --> 00:21:04.726
You can go to the Shema love the Lord by God with all their heart.

00:21:04.726 --> 00:21:10.473
You could go to the Sermon on the Mount about what Jesus describes as the law of the kingdom of heaven.

00:21:10.473 --> 00:21:15.240
And why is this so righteous, so beautiful?

00:21:15.240 --> 00:21:33.711
Let this Psalm encourage you to carry a portion of God's word with you and let it convict you of the need for repentance of the sins that are plaguing you and the surety that God is with you.

00:21:33.711 --> 00:21:38.550
And God gave you this so that you could be more like his son.

00:21:39.313 --> 00:21:48.199
I think one of the things that happens is we often find ourselves surrounded by rule keepers who fancy themselves law keepers.

00:21:48.199 --> 00:21:52.328
The law reveals the character of God.

00:21:52.328 --> 00:21:56.547
When you violate the law, you're violating the character of God.

00:21:56.547 --> 00:22:03.847
You are basically adopting who God is, and sometimes that's going to look like a bunch of checkboxes.

00:22:03.847 --> 00:22:12.530
There should come a point where you understand that might in practice be legal, but it's not ethical.

00:22:13.393 --> 00:22:21.200
I think it is completely possible to be among your brethren and not be fulfilling the law of Christ on what he's asked you to do.

00:22:21.200 --> 00:22:35.538
Taking the example of the Pharisees, the rule keeping of the Pharisees they had created such a rabbinic tradition of how we're going to go about keeping the law and it turned into this whole.

00:22:35.538 --> 00:22:48.954
Here's all these loopholes, how to avoid keeping the law, and I think Matthew 23 really paints they tithe, mint and cumin and deny the weightier matters of the law.

00:22:48.954 --> 00:22:53.330
A nice picture of these really light herbs and the weightier matters of the law.

00:22:53.330 --> 00:22:56.258
Ultimately, I always push back on the idea.

00:22:56.258 --> 00:23:13.854
The problem is with the rule keeping of the law and not the keeping of the spirit of the law, because ultimately, if you're keeping the letter of the law without the spirit, are you keeping the letter of the law to begin with, if it comes from God, if you have faith to move mountains but have not love, have you kept the law of God?

00:23:14.736 --> 00:23:17.579
No, but the thing about it is who's going to catch you on it?

00:23:17.579 --> 00:23:25.147
Because here's the thing the people around you.

00:23:25.147 --> 00:23:25.930
They've got their checklists.

00:23:25.930 --> 00:23:27.252
Do they know your heart?

00:23:27.252 --> 00:23:28.214
No, but what do they have?

00:23:28.214 --> 00:23:29.478
They have your attendance record.

00:23:32.605 --> 00:23:33.690
That's a different question though, kenny, isn't it?

00:23:33.690 --> 00:23:35.900
Because if the question is, what are they going to identify about me, about my heart?

00:23:35.900 --> 00:23:50.090
Ultimately, I can't look at you, kenny, and be like I know that he is keeping the law of God and that he has a heart like the psalmist here of what we've been talking about, no more than you can look at me and say I know David, he loves the law of God.

00:23:50.090 --> 00:23:51.192
Listen to the way he acts.

00:23:51.192 --> 00:23:56.319
He's poetic and he's so verbose and he's so eloquent.

00:23:56.319 --> 00:24:14.326
Obviously, that's not happening that you can identify, just by the words I speak or the actions I even take, whether or not I have the same kind of love for the law of God that this psalmist has, or that I have the love of the brethren that the law of God and the law of Christ demands that I have, or that I have the love of the brethren that the law of God and the law of Christ demands that I have.

00:24:14.326 --> 00:24:17.651
So then that becomes like who can I count on to identify?

00:24:17.651 --> 00:24:22.496
Is my heart actually towards what it needs to be oriented towards?

00:24:22.496 --> 00:24:27.560
Because I can't count on even my spouse to tell me if my heart is oriented where it needs to be.

00:24:27.560 --> 00:24:36.979
I can count on the law of God and, honestly, looking at the law of God and letting it actually speak to me and actually listening to it oh, there's this.

00:24:36.999 --> 00:24:42.333
Actually, can we go with one of the stanzas that actually speaks directly to this in verse 25 of the Psalm?

00:24:42.333 --> 00:24:46.227
Because none of that to say they can't help me with that.

00:24:46.227 --> 00:25:10.049
But ultimately, we are great at deceiving people and deceiving others that we are doing what we think we should be doing and we shouldn't be looking to deceive anyone and yet it's something that we fall into because we are people who struggle with sin and doubts and we don't want people to know hey, my life hasn't reflected the heart of God, it's.

00:25:10.049 --> 00:25:11.953
Oh, wow, that's shocking.

00:25:11.953 --> 00:25:13.416
You're not God.

00:25:13.416 --> 00:25:17.073
I'm shocked and surprised, but it shouldn't shock us.

00:25:17.073 --> 00:25:22.019
It shouldn't shock us at all when we recognize that we need to be daily confessing our sins to one another.

00:25:22.019 --> 00:25:23.365
A whole different topic.

00:25:23.365 --> 00:25:26.391
But let's get back to Psalm 119 and verse 25.

00:25:27.333 --> 00:25:28.576
My soul cleaves to the dust.

00:25:28.576 --> 00:25:30.567
Revive me, according to your word.

00:25:30.567 --> 00:25:30.868
So it's open.

00:25:30.868 --> 00:25:31.996
This stanza opens with my soul cleaves to the dust.

00:25:31.996 --> 00:25:32.660
Revive me, according to your word.

00:25:32.660 --> 00:25:32.921
So it's open.

00:25:32.921 --> 00:25:37.054
This stanza opens with my soul cleaves to the dust and we're bringing up imagery of from the dust.

00:25:37.054 --> 00:25:37.797
I was taken to the dust.

00:25:37.797 --> 00:25:39.568
I return.

00:25:39.769 --> 00:25:47.169
He's at a low point, he is not in a good place and he needs revival, according to God's word, and pay close attention to verse 26.

00:25:47.169 --> 00:25:52.695
I have told of my ways and you have answered me of my ways and you have answered me.

00:25:52.695 --> 00:25:53.817
Teach me your statutes.

00:25:53.817 --> 00:26:04.191
So the psalmist is saying like I was talking with God and I said this is how David lives.

00:26:04.191 --> 00:26:05.255
David lives like this and it is so righteous.

00:26:05.255 --> 00:26:06.219
And then I heard this answer from God.

00:26:06.239 --> 00:26:09.709
Now the question is, how is the psalmist hearing this answer Based on this psalm?

00:26:09.709 --> 00:26:15.330
I think it's because he is constantly devoted to the word, the law, the statutes, the precepts of God.

00:26:15.330 --> 00:26:21.188
And God answers him and he says hey, david, your ways aren't my ways.

00:26:21.188 --> 00:26:24.856
And then look at the way that this plays out in the rest of the stanza.

00:26:24.856 --> 00:26:29.989
So the Psalmist cries out teach me your statutes, make me understand the way of your precepts.

00:26:29.989 --> 00:26:35.413
Okay, I don't want to just know your precepts, I want to understand the way I want to understand about this.

00:26:37.153 --> 00:26:38.835
My soul weeps because of grief.

00:26:38.835 --> 00:26:40.336
Strengthen me, according to your word.

00:26:40.336 --> 00:26:42.758
I don't think that he's just having a bad day.

00:26:42.758 --> 00:26:51.229
I think the reason for his weeping, based on what he said, is my ways are not your ways, and that should make us weep in abject terror.

00:26:51.229 --> 00:26:55.438
In fact, another section of Psalm 119 where he says I fear your commandments, lord.

00:26:55.438 --> 00:26:57.351
He considers the law of God.

00:26:57.351 --> 00:26:58.911
On the one hand he loves it.

00:26:58.911 --> 00:27:01.192
On the other hand, he realizes he hasn't lived up to it.

00:27:01.192 --> 00:27:05.612
He trusts in God to strengthen me, according to your word, verse 28.

00:27:05.612 --> 00:27:12.512
Remove the false way from me Again, that falsehood lying, the way we deceive ourselves.

00:27:12.512 --> 00:27:27.560
The psalmist is putting that power in the law of God and in the word of God and in its ability to reflect back to us who we are if we will actually listen to God, tell us his ways and rebuke us in our own ways.

00:27:28.224 --> 00:27:30.652
I think one of the things that I would say is you made an admission in there.

00:27:30.652 --> 00:27:32.155
That's difficult for all of us.

00:27:32.155 --> 00:27:35.394
We don't even have a good window into our own motivations.

00:27:35.394 --> 00:27:41.518
It is my opinion that the Pharisees, for the most part, thought they were on God's good side.

00:27:41.518 --> 00:27:54.178
I think the idea that Jesus came and said you guys are missing it, I think that was a revelation to them in a way that they weren't anticipating.

00:27:54.178 --> 00:27:58.635
I think that our own problems would probably be revelations to us as well.

00:27:58.635 --> 00:28:01.433
I think this passage does a really nice job of that.

00:28:01.433 --> 00:28:06.116
I'm scared what I'm going to find out, because I know I'm probably not very good.

00:28:06.116 --> 00:28:14.630
I guess it goes back to that idea of meditating and recognizing how we do or do not measure up and, let's face it, it's not measuring up.

00:28:14.630 --> 00:28:15.593
Does that make sense?

00:28:16.355 --> 00:28:20.756
Yeah, that was something that I found surprising as I thought about this psalm more and more.

00:28:20.756 --> 00:28:29.686
Kenny was the idea that my first impression was just really wrong of who this psalmist was and who he thought he was too, because I was thinking I was like man.

00:28:29.686 --> 00:28:33.432
He's saying you make my ways great, make me walk in the path of your commandments.

00:28:33.432 --> 00:28:34.335
I delight in it.

00:28:34.335 --> 00:28:46.893
Just imagine any of our brethren talking the way this psalmist does about their own life, and how quick I'd be to just blot out all the ways in which they're saying I don't measure up and yet I trust in you.

00:28:46.893 --> 00:28:53.159
And all the ways I'd hear oh, you think you're living out the law of God, you think you're so righteous and you're so perfect.

00:28:53.159 --> 00:28:57.621
But, as you like, really start to listen to what this psalmist is saying.

00:28:57.621 --> 00:28:59.501
He's not saying I'm so righteous, I'm so perfect.

00:28:59.501 --> 00:29:03.611
He's saying God's law is righteous and it actually accomplishes something on the one who considers it.

00:29:03.611 --> 00:29:09.909
It does make you wise and it does give you insight, but you have to continually go back to that fresh water.

00:29:10.109 --> 00:29:20.371
There are a lot of highfalutin ideas in this psalm and let's face it later on today you're going to go pick up your kids, You're going to go to the grocery store, You're going to do your laundry.

00:29:20.371 --> 00:29:23.356
Why is this important?

00:29:23.356 --> 00:29:32.854
Because the rest of your life is going to be a bunch of mundane stuff and it's going to be important stuff that doesn't look like highfalutin ideas.

00:29:33.605 --> 00:29:58.476
I want to push back on the idea that any action you take in this life is mundane and that there is any portion of your life that can't be something that is sacred and beautiful and a gift from God, because I've often been in that framework of hey, I need to put food on the table, I have dirty dishes to do, I have yet another dirty diaper.

00:29:58.496 --> 00:30:14.300
To change the way we end up interacting with these really mundane things, which I think is such a high call for the saints of God, is to aspire to live a quiet life that trusts in God and his mercies.

00:30:14.300 --> 00:30:22.208
If the quiet life is actually what we're to aspire to, that means that's a holy calling that God has called us to.

00:30:22.208 --> 00:30:30.892
So when I go to pick up my kids, there's something holy and wonderful about being with my children, who have been apart from me all day.

00:30:30.892 --> 00:30:45.436
The Bible looks highly on the kindness that we show to every single person and to our enemies, because there are enemies of those who love God, and our command is to pray for them, to love them, to give them blessing.

00:30:45.436 --> 00:30:51.490
As we have a heart that's more like God, we're going to start to look at our mundane life in a very different way.

00:30:51.490 --> 00:31:00.778
We're going to start to look at our mundane life in a very different way, because God looks at every mundane life as something that is precious and beautiful and in need of redemption and can be redeemed.

00:31:01.398 --> 00:31:03.781
Okay, let me go through a little exercise with you.

00:31:03.781 --> 00:31:13.009
Yeah, I've got clothes in the washer that need to be put in the dryer.

00:31:13.009 --> 00:31:13.210
Where is?

00:31:13.309 --> 00:31:21.423
God in that, as you're getting your clothes out of the washer, putting them in the dryer, you have opportunities for gratefulness.

00:31:21.423 --> 00:31:25.309
Or you can take a different view entirely.

00:31:25.309 --> 00:31:35.605
I have a task to accomplish and I'm just doing that and it has no meaning, it doesn't matter and in fact, all the menial tasks I have in life have no meaning.

00:31:35.605 --> 00:31:38.352
In fact, you know what Life is?

00:31:38.352 --> 00:31:46.933
Just one silly thing after the next and honestly, that's the nihilistic approach to thinking about our lives.

00:31:46.933 --> 00:31:54.092
We're only going to pick out the things that we find value in and worth in and say those are the things that matter as opposed to.

00:31:54.092 --> 00:32:03.414
God has given us a right to existence and blessed us with being of just experiencing reality, and there's a great gratitude we can have for that.

00:32:05.045 --> 00:32:11.926
Existence itself is a blessing we can have, for that existence itself is a blessing.

00:32:11.946 --> 00:32:20.230
But don't you realize that all is vanity and striving after wind, and that is why you should fear God and keep his commandments, for they are not burdensome, they are not too far from you.

00:32:20.230 --> 00:32:28.848
That's the interesting thing about this psalm it is talking about the law of God, and I have this gut instinct to say, yeah, who could ever live up to that?

00:32:28.848 --> 00:32:31.076
Yeah, none of us have.

00:32:31.365 --> 00:32:41.217
You've already referenced the last part of Psalm 119, which I think is probably the part that in verse 68, where it says be good and do good, which is something special to me.

00:32:41.217 --> 00:32:45.737
It's one of the few places in scripture that actually says something along those lines.

00:32:45.737 --> 00:32:55.268
But I think one of the things that you've alluded to several times already is whoever's writing this psalm has no illusion about how good he is.

00:32:55.268 --> 00:33:03.776
The only thing that he recognizes is that God is good and that he's not, and that anything that's good in his life is not because of what he's doing.

00:33:03.776 --> 00:33:04.805

00:33:04.805 --> 00:33:10.468
And there is a lot of hope in this psalm for a bunch of people who are, by themselves, hopeless.

00:33:10.468 --> 00:33:13.212
That, to me, is the Christian walk.

00:33:13.212 --> 00:33:17.990
As we rely on ourselves, we recognize we cannot rely on ourselves.

00:33:17.990 --> 00:33:19.573
Do you see what I'm saying?

00:33:19.573 --> 00:33:20.474
Oh, yeah.

00:33:21.436 --> 00:33:24.729
So in verse 68, you are good and you do good.

00:33:24.729 --> 00:33:26.613
Teach your statutes.

00:33:26.613 --> 00:33:33.201
Even just in those two lines, you have this admission that I recognize where goodness dwells, it's not with me.

00:33:33.201 --> 00:33:35.367
I'm not coming to you saying I am good.

00:33:35.367 --> 00:33:36.750
That's why I've come to you god.

00:33:36.750 --> 00:33:37.712
No, it's.

00:33:37.712 --> 00:33:40.766
You are good, you do good, so you teach me your ways.

00:33:41.946 --> 00:33:47.272
I think this portion of psalm 119, I think this portion could have been going through the rich young ruler's head.

00:33:47.272 --> 00:33:50.797
I really do, oh, good teacher.

00:33:50.797 --> 00:33:54.480
And Jesus says oh, why do you call me good?

00:33:54.480 --> 00:33:55.527
There's no one good but God.

00:33:55.527 --> 00:34:03.648
And then the way that stanza ends in verse 72, the law of your mouth is better to me than thousands of gold and silver pieces.

00:34:03.648 --> 00:34:07.917
So there's this great prioritization that this psalmist has.

00:34:07.917 --> 00:34:09.047
Of course, the rich young ruler.

00:34:09.047 --> 00:34:17.652
He was so sorrowful because he had so much wealth and Jesus asked him simply what God is asking simply in this psalm follow me.

00:34:17.652 --> 00:34:23.112
Because the truth is we can all recognize oh yeah, we're sinners, we've fallen short of the glory of God.

00:34:23.112 --> 00:34:43.456
That's not a revelation to any of us, but the call God still makes is okay, still follow me, get back up and follow me, and actually you are going to become more and more like me, because of what I was willing to do for you and because of my loving kindness, because of my mercies, because I am good and I do good.

00:34:43.565 --> 00:34:54.956
I appreciate that One of the other things that I think I got out of this and you alluded to it as well is that I think we have gotten so destination-specific.

00:34:54.956 --> 00:35:00.456
In other words, if we are not perfect, then that means that the journey itself is not worth anything.

00:35:00.456 --> 00:35:06.380
If you get on a road to Cleveland and you don't end up in Cleveland, was the trip worth it.

00:35:06.380 --> 00:35:11.072
And I think that the idea of discipleship is of course you're going to mess up.

00:35:11.072 --> 00:35:17.235
God never expected otherwise and he has already made provision for when you mess up.

00:35:17.998 --> 00:35:28.025
But that's a very different thing than to say you know what, if I'm going to go to hell, I'm just going to do the things that would get me to hell, because I can't do this perfectly.

00:35:28.025 --> 00:35:44.273
So let me just be the hedonist I want to be, because if I'm going to end up there and a disciple recognizes, of course I'm not going to do the right thing, but as I try better and as I try to get closer, I will get closer.

00:35:44.273 --> 00:35:48.539
And I'm still not going to get there on my own goodwill, on my own merit.

00:35:48.539 --> 00:35:52.634
Yeah, god is the one who's getting me there, on his merit.

00:35:52.634 --> 00:35:56.293
Yeah, but the journey itself is still worthwhile.

00:35:56.293 --> 00:35:57.114
You see what I'm saying.

00:35:57.885 --> 00:36:09.039
I was listening to someone who I don't agree with theologically at all talk about the problem with sin versus belief and talking about those who are struggling with belief.

00:36:09.039 --> 00:36:13.132
The struggle with belief starts with the sin.

00:36:13.132 --> 00:36:39.514
The sin doesn't start with the unbelief, the fact that we're sinning and we become convinced that the sin is a symptom of our relationship with God and somehow it needs to be hid from God, or hid from our fellow man or from our fellow brother and sister in Christ, instead of confessed to and relying upon God, and relying upon his mercies and throwing yourself on the mercies of God.

00:36:39.514 --> 00:36:45.436
As I said, we really have no idea who was the specific author of this psalm, although many have attributed it to David.

00:36:47.344 --> 00:36:51.534
Author of this psalm, although many have attributed it to David, you think of David as the ultimate one, who did not deserve mercy at all.

00:36:51.534 --> 00:36:54.039
And yet it's called the man after God's own heart.

00:36:54.039 --> 00:36:55.871
And why do you think it is?

00:36:55.871 --> 00:37:18.541
I think it's because he didn't forget God's statutes, he didn't forget God's law, he threw himself on the mercies of God, and that's the only way I can understand he was the man after God's own heart is the love he had for the law of God and the person of God and the fact that he was not willing to be subverted with the lie that he had told himself about the sins that he had committed.

00:37:19.282 --> 00:37:20.525
Yeah, everything.

00:37:20.525 --> 00:37:30.878
I've always related these things back to parenthood and one of the things I think, because you're not going to be the perfect parent, you ahead and throw into the towel, should just get rid of the kids, should, right?

00:37:30.878 --> 00:37:32.226
It's the stupidest thing you've ever heard.

00:37:32.226 --> 00:37:34.652
And of course, you're going to mess up.

00:37:34.652 --> 00:37:36.286
You're going to mess up all kinds of ways.

00:37:36.286 --> 00:37:41.065
That doesn't mean you get to throw in the towel and it doesn't mean that that the journey's not worth it.

00:37:41.065 --> 00:37:42.108

00:37:42.108 --> 00:37:46.014
Undoubtedly we could consider can continue this for a much longer time.

00:37:46.014 --> 00:37:52.849
I end all of my podcasts with Be Good and Do Good, which is entirely in this psalm.

00:37:52.849 --> 00:37:57.639
What's good about looking over God's law?

00:37:58.824 --> 00:38:15.630
As you consider God's law in a deeper way, you're going to be shocked at how much God loves people who are so wicked and so evil and so vile and who have done terrible things.

00:38:15.630 --> 00:38:21.713
It's going to shock you in such a way that you say, god, how could you be so merciful to people so undeserving?

00:38:21.713 --> 00:38:34.981
That's what I've been shocked by about the law of God as I've thought about it more and more is why have you let this earth continue spinning, lord, when there is so much wickedness and so much vileness?

00:38:34.981 --> 00:38:41.797
And it's because God is good and he does good and he's more powerful than evil, and love can overcome evil.

00:38:41.797 --> 00:38:45.690
And you'll see that as you think more and more about the law of God.

00:38:48.195 --> 00:38:52.210
Good job, all right, david, I appreciate you talking to me about this.

00:38:52.612 --> 00:38:54.771
There's a I was going to try and plug.

00:38:54.771 --> 00:39:01.806
There's a five volume set of commentaries all on Psalm 119 that some guy wrote Five is, I think it ends up.

00:39:01.806 --> 00:39:11.275
Each one is like 1600 pages why, but I think they got the gist with our interview Absolutely.

00:39:11.275 --> 00:39:12.456

00:39:12.456 --> 00:39:13.119
So much, kenny.

00:39:13.119 --> 00:39:14.148
Yeah, thanks for letting me talk.

00:39:14.148 --> 00:39:14.590
Thank you.

00:39:19.485 --> 00:39:24.637
But it asked me to read through Psalm 119 before I had this conversation, and I'm glad I did.

00:39:24.637 --> 00:39:33.356
He brought out a lot of the things that I found as well, specifically, that most of the sections and stanzas made complete thoughts.

00:39:33.356 --> 00:39:39.956
The thing that he brought to me, however, was how much like the psalmist we all really are.

00:39:39.956 --> 00:39:47.193
The psalmist is talking about really how good the law is and how we never quite measure up.

00:39:47.193 --> 00:39:56.898
It's good to know that even the people who are writing the Psalms recognize their own problems and that they had problems.

00:39:56.898 --> 00:39:59.250
It makes them a lot more relatable.

00:39:59.250 --> 00:40:03.588
As for the good thing I'm thinking about, I'm grateful for good friends.

00:40:03.588 --> 00:40:09.088
I've been thinking a lot about the friends that I have overseas, In the Philippines.

00:40:09.088 --> 00:40:13.949
There have been several different problems that they've had, and I've been praying for them.

00:40:13.949 --> 00:40:16.336
I ask that you pray for them as well.

00:40:16.336 --> 00:40:20.554
So until next time, let's be good and do good.