June 17, 2024

QUICK THOUGHT: The Idol of Self

QUICK THOUGHT: The Idol of Self

This is another experiment, and I talk about the idol of self.

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00:08 - Understanding Idolatry and Self-Righteousness

07:19 - Reclaiming Humility and Seeking Truth


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Welcome to Balancing the Christian Life.

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Quick Thoughts.

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I'm Dr Kenny Embry.

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Join me as we figure out what it means to live as Christians.

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Idolatry in the Old Testament is easy to identify because anytime the Israelites got stuff, they started making things to worship.

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The first three commandments are specific about condemning the particulars of idolatry.

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They could have no other gods, they couldn't make anything that was supposed to represent a god, and they should not enter into a commitment to God lightly.

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I've done a pretty good job of avoiding making a golden calf or bowing down before a bull, but if idolatry is replacing God with something that shouldn't be there, well, my idol isn't barnyard animals but the face looking back at me when I'm shaving.

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Selfishness is a pretty elusive idol because it loves to masquerade itself as Christian virtue.

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In Luke 18, jesus tells a story about a Pharisee and a tax collector who went to the temple to pray.

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You already know the outcome to this parable, but let me get you to slow down a little before you jump to Jesus' conclusion.

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First, both men went to the temple to talk to God, whom they both believed in.

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Both also believed God was in control and that God changes things.

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Good, that's the right action and the right motivation for both these guys.

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And here is the prayer of the Pharisee God, I thank you that I am not like other men extortioners, unjust adulterers and even like this tax collector.

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I fast twice a week.

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I give tithes of all that I get.

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First, did Jesus say he wasn't doing exactly what he said he was?

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Frankly, I don't do many of the things this Pharisee did, like fasting or tithing.

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Second, the Pharisee expressed gratitude.

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He was truly thankful.

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What made him thankful?

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Well, it was because he was following God's instructions on fasting, giving of his income, being fair in business, not being a liar, not being sexually promiscuous and, unlike the reputation of the tax collectors, not being someone who betrayed the children of God by making alliances with a corrupt government like Rome.

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Tax collectors had a bad reputation, mostly because they deserved a bad reputation.

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They did bad things that sometimes got other people killed.

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What part of this are you against?

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Are you against the Pharisee being grateful?

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Are you against telling the truth?

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Are you against devoting yourself to God by fasting?

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Are you against refraining from being sexually promiscuous?

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Look, the Pharisee was grateful for being someone who could keep God's law, which gave him a good character.

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I realize Jesus invented this character, but I know lots of people like this who are grateful to God that following his law makes us better people.

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I know them because I'm one of them.

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I think following God's laws keeps me from a host of problems.

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But what is Jesus' criticism?

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The Pharisee trusted he could and had kept God's law.

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He could and had kept God's law and because he kept God's law, he was doing the right thing.

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And that made him righteous.

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By the way, that's right.

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Righteousness, by definition, is doing the right thing.

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And that made him proud.

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That gave him confidence.

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Did you notice, jesus said?

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He stood by himself and prayed.

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He came to God, confident in his standing with God.

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He was ready to be judged because he looked at God's standards and judged he had done well.

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His problem was his confidence in his ability or, as the passage tells us, he trusted in his own righteousness and treated others poorly.

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He knew the tax collector next to him not personally, but only by reputation of the profession.

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The Pharisee's problem was self-righteousness.

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He was so wrapped up in godly virtue he had assumed the role of God himself and judged himself righteous.

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The easy answer to this is to judge ourselves by God's standard instead of our own.

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That is absolutely the right answer.

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But how do you do that?

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Was the Pharisee able to see past his own judgments of how he interpreted God's law?

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Of how he interpreted God's law?

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In one of his own defenses, Paul says that he had always served God in good conscience.

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Even when he was doing the wrong thing by killing Christians, he felt like he was serving God rightly.

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I don't know about you, but I don't consider myself as good as Paul.

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So are we just doomed?

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First of all, remember we are not saved by righteousness, we're saved by grace.

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We never earn a relationship with God.

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That relationship is based on the faith we have in God and the devotion we have to each other.

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Can we sin all the more that grace may abound?

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No, no, no, no, no.

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But if you think you are behaving yourself into a good relationship with God, you're missing the point.

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We are sinners because we have sinned.

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We are redeemed because God redeemed us, not because we haven't sinned.

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Second, consider your standards.

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There's wisdom in examining yourself by yourself.

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If you measure how well you're behaving as a Christian today versus how well you were a Christian yesterday, you're gauging progress.

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But you also need to measure yourself against the perfect standard the standard you will never measure up to.

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You need to know God well enough to know how far short you fail.

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That still means you have to interpret God's will, and we don't always do that well.

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But as you progress in your relationship with God, hopefully you grow in understanding him better.

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Further, are we open to being challenged by even people we disagree with?

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The Pharisees didn't agree with Jesus, and that was a problem.

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They didn't have a good reason to disagree with him.

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They never checked his facts, they just assumed he had been wrong.

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Because, well, they never checked his facts.

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They just assumed he had to be wrong.

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Because, well, most people who went against the Jewish leaders were wrong.

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Next, what do we get out of it?

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Just because you get praise or recognition doesn't mean it's wrong.

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When the Israelites obeyed God, they were praised.

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That's a very good thing.

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But who is doing the praising?

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And are we in it to get closer to God, or are we in it to have someone tell us we're doing the right thing?

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Finally, is there someone whose opinion you trust to challenge you?

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Jesus challenged the Pharisees and Paul.

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The Pharisees largely resisted and Paul, blind and mute, learned how to stop listening to himself and start listening to God.

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Of all the idols, the idol of selfishness is the one I fear most, because it is the idol I often recognize least.

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Let's take this to God.

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God, we often get in our own way, we mislead ourselves and we ask that when we are on the wrong road, you would send us others who challenge our thinking.

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We pray for failure when we are self-deluded.

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Help us to never attack others out of reaction and, even when we are attacked, to love those who are on the assault.

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Likewise, help us to be that for others.

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We all have blind spots when it comes to being self-righteous.

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We do pray for righteousness.

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We pray we are right, but help us to keep our egos in check.

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Remind us that being right simply means we're closer to you, but we are not you.

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You are truly the only one who is always righteous because you are always right.

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Put us in our place and help us to rely on you more.

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Help us to love you more, because you love us even when we're stupid, even when we fail and even when we dethrone you from where you rightfully belong.

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We pray.

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We avoid all idolatry, but help us to avoid worshiping ourselves.

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Idolatry, but help us to avoid worshiping ourselves, because we cannot have a closer relationship with you when we assume your place.

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We love you.

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Help us to show that more In our King's name, amen.

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Now let's be good and do good.